Our Mission

Waiwaolani is a brand that strives to inspire and educate the people of Hawaiʻi and beyond through our clothing line and products. We hope to share Hawaiian culture, especially the importance of our native plants. We want to show the beauty and uniqueness of our native flora and itʻs important connection to our culture. Our purpose is to support local conservation organizations in their work of native ecosystem protection of both native species and the places that house them. The purpose behind this mission is simple, to maintain our water resources, biodiversity, history, Hawaiian culture, and much more. The existence of our natural habitats are vital to life in Hawaiʻi. 

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Mauna Kahālāwai Watershed Partnership

The mission of Kahālāwai Watershed Partnership is to Protect, Preserve & Educate Maui on Native Ecosystems & Watersheds. Learn more & donate directly at Mauna Kahālāwai Watershed Partnership.

Maui Nui Botanical Garden

The mission of Maui Nui Botanical Gardens is to foster appreciation and understanding of Maui Nui’s plants and their role in Hawaiian cultural expression by providing a gathering place for discovery, education, and conservation. Learn more or donate directly to Maui Nui Botanical Garden.

Hui o Nā Wai ʻEha

In honor of Uncle Skippy Hau & his scholarship program -- The Mission of Hui o Nā Wai ‘Ehā is to advocate for mauka to makai streamflow restoration in Waikapū, Wailuku Waiehu and Waiheʻe Streams (Nā Wai ‘Ehā), to protect the natural and cultural resources related to traditional and customary practices of Native Hawaiians and to engage the Maui community through water resource management education outreach programs and initiatives. Learn more & donate directly at Hui o Nā Wai ʻEha

Protect & Preserve Hawaii

Protect & Preserve Hawaii mission is to do their part in making the world a better place for all. Giving back to our lands and raising awareness through education in our communities. Learn more & donate directly to Protect & Preserve Hawaii.

Maui Forest Bird Recovery Program

Maui Forest Bird Recovery Program's mission is to develop and implement techniques that recover Mauiʻs endangered forest birds and restore their habitats through research, development, and application of conservation techniques. Learn more & donate directly at Maui Forest Bird Recovery Program.

East Maui Watershed Partnership

The mission of East Maui Watershed Partnership is to protect the Watershed from degradation by protecting native forests and their component native species as well as educating the local community about conservation and other issues relating to watershed protection. Learn more & donate at East Maui Watershed Partnership.

Birds Not Mosquitoes

Birds not mosquitoes mission is to urgently work to protect the native Hawaiian honeycreepers from extinction. The southern house mosquito is invading these birds’ habitats and spreading a deadly disease called avian malaria. Learn more & give directly at Birds Not Mosquitoes.

The Ko'olau Mountains Watershed Partnership

The Ko'olau Mountains Watershed Partnership mission is to work together to protect and sustain the forests, waters and people of the Ko‘olau Mountains. Learn more & donate directly at The Ko'olau Mountains Watershed Partnership.


Terraformation Hawaii aims to restore the islands' forests to capture carbon and revitalize nature through native ecosystem restoration projects, seed banking, agroforestry operations, accessible technology, community engagement, and capacity building. Learn more or donate directly to Terraformation Hawaii.

Waikōloa Dry Forest

The Waikōloa Dry Forest Preserve encompasses 275 acres of remnant lowland dry forest and protects some of the last remaining native trees in the region. It is a dry, rugged, and degraded area that is gradually being reforested by the community of native plants that once dominated Waikōloa. Learn more or donate directly at Waikōloa Dry Forest.

  • Kūleana - Responsibility

    Waiwaolani understands the responsibility we have to give back to our communities and to support in ways that we are able to support.

  • Mālama ʻĀina - Caring for the land

    The existence of our natural habitats are vital to life in Hawaiʻi. As a clothing brand who understands how kānaka can care for the land or harm it even further, Waiwaolani believes in supporting local conservation organizations whoʻs mission is to help protect and conserve the native ecosystems of Hawaiʻi.

  • Conscious Fashion

    Waiwaolani practices conscious fashion where the decisions made are mindful of people, the community, and the environment as much as possible. We try to make the best decisions we can while factoring in these key elements.